When you make an endowed gift to the Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque or any of its funds, it will cost you far less thanks to Iowa's generous state tax credit. For example, after the state tax credit and federal deduction, a $10,000 gift will cost a couple in the 35% tax bracket just $4,000.
Endow Iowa Tax Credit-Way to Save on Taxes
Giving a Gift of Grain
How does my gift help?
Your gift to the New Vienna Area Historical Society Endowment is invested and grows forever. to support the mission of the New Vienna Historical Society.
How is my fund directed?
The board leaders of the New Vienna Area Historical Society use annual endowment distributions to start signature projects, cushion economic challenges, and advance their work in a strong way in the community.
How do endowments work?
Endowments are invested by our professional wealth managers in a diversified portfolio. Endowments pay out up to 5% annually. The remainder is reinvested to ensure that funds exist into perpetuity.
How do I make a gift?
We welcome gifts at any time and accept cash as well as stocks, bonds and IRAs. Donors may name and honor or remember friends and family through their gifts or name the endowment in their will to create a legacy that will forever benefit the community.
What is Endow Iowa?
Endow Iowa is a 25% state tax credit for gifts to endowed funds. Upon receipt of your gift to the New Vienna Area Historical Society Endowment, you will receive a voucher that can be used the same as cash to pay your state tax. Gifts up to $25 per individual are eligible for Endow Iowa each year.
Additional donor benefits: